Accelerating Carrier Growth

To cultivate a culture of learning, support and participation is needed from the institution, management, and employees to foster the learning needed for personal career advancement, as well as upgrading skills for current jobs. Support for workplace learning and career development must come from all levels within the institution to be successful. Individual career goals as well as the institution’s job and training objectives should be balanced and supported.

Successful examples of university, industry, and labor/management career development programs show the benefits of a formal and fully-funded program to employers and employees, resulting in a more skilled workforce, higher morale, improved productivity and service, and lower absenteeism.

The organization can make a commitment to employee development by supporting formal learning opportunities such as employee training, workplace education, and internship and job training opportunities. It can also encourage release time for employees to acquire knowledge and skills and provide the resources to build and sustain employee development plans.

Planning for professional growth is an important part of our professional responsibility. Effective planning involves looking beyond the present and taking a longterm, holistic look at our careers. During this planning process, we articulate both personal and professional our goals and then select those developmental opportunities that are most effective in helping us reach those goals.