M.Tech. (Online) Admissions 2025
Why M.Tech. (Online)?
Learning never stops in this fast-changing world with development and advancements in every field. Keeping pace with them is important to be relevant to the context of work life.
Here is a golden opportunity for employed engineering graduates to get a Masters’ degree from the top University in India, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. The M.Tech. (Online) program is designed for working professionals to pace themselves and complete a post-graduate degree at IISc that has the same rigour, intense learning and practice as our fulltime M.Tech. degree. The program covers not only conceptual classes, but also an in-house project work within your company that helps demonstrate and apply your learnings. All classes are conducted fully-online and synchronously by experienced faculty at IISc.
M.Tech (Online) gives the learners:
- Opportunity to complete the Masters’ degree in part-time, while continuing your fulltime job.
- Flexibility to attend the classes online in the evenings and weekends to balance work and personal life.
- Better career progression in your workplace through stronger foundational and technical skills, and/or a shift in technical area of expertise.
- Ability to gain insights on the latest developments and apply them for practical impact within your organization
- Gaining the personal satisfaction of completing a world-class degree from the #1 university in India.
- Opening the opportunity to pursue a Ph.D. in future.
This is a sponsored degree program. Interested candidates need to be nominated by their company through an MOU that they have with IISc. See details below.
M.Tech. (Online) Programme Curriculum
The program is typically completed in a 2-3 year period, with the flexibility of taking company-approved breaks in study.
Elective courses can be taken from any of the 30+ M.Tech.(Online) courses offered.
Projects are completed in-house within the company through a company guide and an IISc faculty mentor.
Data Science and Business Analytics
Core Courses:12 Credits
Elective Courses: 20 credits
Project: 32 Credits
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Core Courses:16 Credits
Elective Courses: 20 credits
Project: 28 Credits
M.Tech. (Online) Programme Stats
Fee Structure
Total estimated fees for a 3 year completion time. Fees are payable each term, based on credits enrolled.
Rs. 9.6 lac
for Artificial Intelligence
Rs. 8.9 lac
for Data Science and Business Analytics
Rs. 9.6 lac
for Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech. (Online) Admissions 2025
Interested in joining? Ask your organization to nominate you for the program!
Is your organization not listed? Have your HR head or senior management contact us at office.iken@iisc.ac.in to on-board.
Important Dates for Admission 2025
- Nomination deadline for companies: 28 Feb, 2025
- Portal opens for application submission by nominated candidates: 14 Mar, 2025
- Portal closes for applications: 1 Apr, 2025
- Invitations sent to applicants for online test: 17 Apr 2025
- Online test for candidates for the three streams: 3 and 4 May (Sat/Sun), 2025
- Selection list shared with companies for shortlisting: 20 May, 2025
- Final selection list received from companies: 27 May, 2025
- Official offer of admission by IISc: 7 Jun, 2025
- Payment of fees and deposit by selected candidates: 14 Jun, 2025
- Start of classes: 1 Aug, 2025
Eligibility Criteria
Minimum Degree:
BE/BTech/BS(4yrs), in CS/ECE/EE or an equivalent discipline
At least 70% or equivalent in all degrees
Years in Industry:
Two years at the time of joining
Strong mathematical and programming experience
Online test
Data Science and Business Analytics
Minimum Degree:
BE/BTech/BS(4yrs)/Equivalent 4-year degree/diploma after 12th standard (or) Master’s degree in any discipline
At least 60% or equivalent in all degrees
Years in Industry:
Two years at the time of joining
Strong mathematical and programming experience
Online test
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Minimum Degree:
BE/BTech/BS(4yrs), in ECE/EE or an equivalent discipline
At least 60% or equivalent in all degrees
Years in Industry:
Two years at the time of joining
Strong mathematical and programming experience
Online test
Syllabus for Written Test
All nominated candidates who have applied to the program and meet the eligibility criteria will be asked to attend an online written/programming test for the streams they have applied to.
Syllabus for Artificial Intelligence Written Test
Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability. Maxima and minima. Mean value theorem. Integration.
Linear Algebra: Matrices, determinants, system of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, LU decomposition
Probability: Random variables. Uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson and binomial distributions. Mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem.
Syllabus for Data Science and Business Analytics Written Test
Foundations: Linear Algebra/Matrices, Probability, Statistics and Combinatorics at the undergraduate engineering mathematics level, in addition to basic Calculus and Geometry.
Programming: Data Structures (arrays, matrices, etc.) and Basic Programming (choice of Java/C/C++/Python).
The online written test will contain multiple choice questions and programming questions. Total duration will be 60 mins.
Syllabus for Electronics and Communication Engineering Written Test
Engineering Mathematics
- Linear Algebra: Vector space, basis, linear dependence and independence, matrix algebra, eigen values and eigen vectors, rank, solution of linear equations – existence and uniqueness.
- Calculus: Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, line, Taylor series.
- Differential Equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations, methods of solution using variation of parameters, complementary function and particular integral, partial differential equations, variable separable method, initial and boundary value problems.
- Vector Analysis: Vectors in plane and space, vector operations, gradient, divergence and curl
- Probability and Statistics: Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; combinatorial probability, probability distribution functions – binomial, Poisson, exponential and normal; Joint and conditional probability; Correlation and Random processes: autocorrelation and power spectral density, properties of white noise
- Information theory: entropy, mutual information and channel capacity theorem;
- Digital communications: digital modulation schemes, amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying (ASK, PSK, FSK), QAM, MAP and ML decoding, matched filter receiver, SNR and BER for digital modulation;
Signal Processing
- Continuous-time signals: Fourier series and Fourier transform representations, Laplace transform, sampling theorem and applications;
- Discrete-time signals: discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), DFT, FFT, Z-transform, interpolation of discrete-time signals;
- LTI systems: definition and properties, causality, stability, impulse response, convolution, poles and zeros, parallel and cascade structure, frequency response, Transient and steady-state analysis
- Basic control system components; Feedback principle; Transfer function; Block diagram representation;
- Devices: Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon; Carrier transport: diffusion current, drift current, mobility and resistivity;
- Analog circuits: Small signal equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs; Simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping and rectifiers; Single-stage BJT and MOSFET amplifiers: biasing, bias stability, mid-frequency small signal analysis and frequency response; Simple op-amp circuits
- Digital circuits: Number systems; Combinatorial circuits: Boolean algebra, minimization of functions using Boolean identities and Karnaugh map, logic gates and their static CMOS implementations, arithmetic circuits, multiplexers, Sequential circuits: latches and flip‐flops, counters, shift‐registers and finite state machines;
- Electromagnetic: Maxwell’s equations: differential and integral forms and their interpretation, boundary conditions, wave equation, Poynting vector; Transmission lines: equations, characteristic impedance, propagation constant, impedance matching, impedance transformation, S-parameters
Instructions to apply for M.Tech. (Online) programme
Admissions 2025: Online Application Instructions
Step 0: Please keep the following documents ready before you start filling the application form
- All marks sheet of 10th and 12th Standard, UG degree and PG degree (if any)
- Signed sponsorship letter from your organization in this format
- Please check your minimum eligibility for each stream before applying
Step 1: Visit https://admissions.iisc.ac.in/ and select “Apply Now” under M.Tech. (Online) Programmes for Sponsored Candidates
Step 2: Register with your e-mail address and a password to start the online application process by creating a new user account. The Email ID used to register cannot be changed later, and will be used to send admissions related emails.
Registration form for user account
- Name of the candidate: Enter your name as it appears in your degree certificate. It cannot be altered at a later stage.
- Password: Choose password of your choice.
- Date of Birth: Enter your date of birth as it appears in your degree certificate.
- Email Address: Enter your e-mail address.
- Security Question: Select any one security question: for your password retrieval
- Security Answer: Enter the answer for the question you have chosen above
When you submit the registration form, you will receive an e-mail asking you to verify your e-mail address by clicking on a link.
After the e-mail address is verified, your account is set up.
Step 3: Log in to the website to fill the application form. You will need information about / from the following documents, so have them handy.
- Certificate / Mark sheets of: 10th Std, 12th Std, UG Degree and (if applicable) PG Degree.
- Payment Option :The application fee is Rs. 2000/- and this is non-refundable, even if you are not called for interview. Modes of online payment available are – Net banking, Visa Card/Master Card, Debit/Credit Cards. Bank charges are extra.
- A scanned image of your passport size photograph (to be uploaded in jpeg, gif, tiff, or png formats, 4 cms (150px) width x 4.8 cms (184px) height; file size should be below 500 KB)
- A scanned image of your signature (to be uploaded in jpeg, gif, tiff, or png formats, 8 cms (300px) width x 1 cms (40px) height; file size should be below 100KB).
- Soft copy of the singed sponsorship letter from your organisation (pdf only; below 500 KB). The letter should be in this format. Please contact your HR or point of contact from your organisation to obtain this letter
The Application Form is divided into five sections, each appearing inside a separate tab
- You have to fill all the details (especially mandatory fields) within a given tab, click on “Save & Proceed” button to proceed to the next tab.
- Unless you fill the mandatory fields in a tab you will not be allowed to move to the next tab.
- On clicking the “Save & Proceed” button, if the browser does not take you to the next tab, it means some mandatory fields have not been filled (correctly), if this happens look for error messages which are displayed in red.
- Detailed instructions for the fields in each tab are given below.
TAB 1: Personal Details
- Name of the candidate: This is taken from your Registration form. You cannot edit/change it now.
- Date of Birth: This is taken from your Registration form. You cannot edit/change it now.
- Email Address: This is taken from your Registration form. You cannot edit/change it now.
- Sex: Choose your gender by clicking on appropriate radio button. (For statisticals purpose only).
- Nationality: Choose your nationality by clicking on the appropriate radio button. (For statisticals purpose only)
- State of domicile: This will appear if you are Indian. Select state of domicile in the dropdown menu. (For statisticals purpose only)
- Country: This will appear if you are non-Indian. Select the country in the dropdown menu. (For statisticals purpose only)
- Category: Choose your category by clicking on the appropriate radio button. (For statisticals purpose only)
- OBC – Sub-Classification: This will appear if you choose “Other backward class”. Again select from one of those radio buttons. (For statistics purpose only)
- Sub category: choose one from the radio button. (For statisticals purpose only)
- Contact Details: Provide your contact details by filling the text boxes and making the choice from the dropdown menu for ‘State’. For phone number, prefix STD code: e.g., 08022939999.
- Current employment: Please provide Name of the company, Designation, office address and experience.
- Passport size photograph: Click on the space provided and upload your photograph in jpeg, gif, tiff, or png formats below 500KB
- Scanned image of your signature: Click on the space provided and upload your signature in jpeg, gif, tiff, or png formats below 500KB
On clicking the “Next Screen” button, if the browser does not take you to the next tab, it means some mandatory fields have not been filled (correctly). If this happens, look for error messages which are displayed in red and correct them.
TAB 2: Details of Employment
- Kindly enter the employment details in the field provided along with period and HR details. Fill in details of all your fulltime employment experience. Omit internships performed during your degree programs.
- Please select the sponsoring organisation from the drop down.
- Please upload the signed sponsorship issued by your organisation.
- If your total experience is less than 730 days as on 01 August 2025 then you cannot proceed further in the application process.
- Sponsorship letter must be in this format. Please contact your HR or point of contact from your organisation to obtain it..
TAB 3: Preference of Stream(s)
- Qualifying Degree: Select the prior degree you have been awarded from the drop-down menu. This should be the degree that meets the eligibility requirement for your stream. If you have a Masters degree, e.g., M.Sc. (Computers), you can select “Masters”.
- Branch/Specialization: Indicate your branch/discipline in your qualifying degree exactly as it appears in your degree certificate. E.g., Electronics and Communication Engineering..
- Status:Choose the appropriate status from the radio buttons.
- Preferences of Stream(s): Give your first choice (required) and second choice (optional) streams by selecting from the drop down menu. You must be eligible for the streams indicated.
TAB 4: Details of qualification
In this tab you will provide details of marks/grades you obtained in examinations: 10th Std*, 12th Std*/Diploma, Undergraduate* and Post-Graduate (i.e., Masters, if applicable).
Each exam is to be selected from the drop down menu in the top item (Qualification), one at a time. For example you should choose 10th std from the drop down menu, and after entering all the details, press the “SAVE” button. In the right side bar entitled “Entry Status” you will see a green (tick mark) against 10th Std.
Now select the next exam in the “Qualification” drop down and fill the details and so on
The right side bar entitled “Entry Status” provides visual feedback to you about the details of what you have filled.
- Qualification: choose from the dropdown menu, 10th and 12th Std / Diploma, Undergraduate or Post-Graduate
- SSLC/10th Standard: Select the year of passing from the popup menu. Fill in the school name and place; select the board you studied from the popup menu. Enter the aggregate percentage of marks and the main subjects you studied.
- II PUC/12th Standard/ Diploma : Same as above. (If qualified in Diploma – should fill all the semester-wise/year-wise details in the columns provided)
- Undergraduate:
- Degree: Select your degree you are studying or completed.
- Specialization: Select your branch / Specialization.
- Year of passing: Select from the drop down menu.
- Fill in the institution/college name and place.
- University: Select from the drop down menu. If not listed in the dropdown, choose “others” and specify below.
- List Key Subjects: Fill the key subjects you have studied separated by comma. (Max 250 characters).
- Rank: Fill if you have any.
- Class: Choose the class from the dropdown menu (if your university does not announce the class, leave it blank.
- Semester-wise Marks:
- Percentage / GPA: Select appropriately. If GPA, then specify “out of”
- Enter the percentage of marks obtained semester wise in the semester columns if in semester pattern OR otherwise if you are under annual pattern fill the marks of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th semester columns for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year marks respectively.
- Post-Graduate: Same as above (if applicable)
Either your Undergraduate degree or Post-Graduate degree must match with the ‘Qualifying Degree’ that you entered in the ‘Preference of Stream(s)’ page. It must also meet the basic eligibility requirements of the stream you selected.
TAB 5: Undertaking
Please read all the undertaking points and declaration, and indicate that you agree with each of them to proceed further.
TAB 5: Preview and Submit
- This page will display all details that you entered in the application as a draft PDF file. Please carefully review this document for completeness and correctness. This is what will be visible to the those who evaluate your application.
- If you notice any inaccuracies, please click on the relevant page in the top tabs to make the correction. Make sure to click Save and Proceed to ensure your changes are saved.
- Once you are satisfied with the application PDF, please read and agree to the Declaration. Please write down or save the Application Number.
- Click on “Pay and Submit” button. This will save the final application and take you to the payment gateway where the application fees are payable. Make the online payment.
- In case the payment fails, you must retry the payment from the main Application Status page. You will see a link next to your application number with an option to “Pay Application Fee”.
- IMPORTANT: The application has not been successfully submitted until the payment is complete.
Contact us
IISc’s Knowledge and E-Learning Network
Centre for Continuing Education
Indian Institute of Science
Bengaluru – 560 012
Phone: 080 – 2293 2508
E-mail: office.iken@iisc.ac.in
Webpage: https://cce.iisc.ac.in/iken/mtech-online/