Fee Structure
Sl. No Particulars Fee
1 Application Fee (for submission of application before selection) Rs. 2000/-
2 Tuition fees (payable term-wise as per courses registered) Rs. 22,500/course-credit
Rs. 5,000/project-credit
3 Academic Fees (Payable annually, per student, while enrolled in the degree programme even if not registering for courses) Rs. 3,700/-
4 Statutory Deposit (Payable one time, per student, at the time of admission, refundable upon graduation) Rs. 7,500/-
5 Library Deposit (Payable one time, per student, at the time of admission, refundable upon graduation) Rs. 7,500/-


Stream wise Fee Structure
Sl. No Stream Nominal years of Registration Registration fees for the nominal duration in Rs. Minimum course credit Minimum course credit cost in Rs. Minimum project credit Minimum project credit cost in Rs. Anticipated cost in Rs.
1 Artificial Intelligence 3 11,100/- 36 8,10,000/- 28 1,40,000/- 9,61,100/-
2 Data Science and Business Analytics 3 11,100/- 32 7,20,000/- 32 1,60,000/- 8,91,100/-
3 Electronics and Communication Engineering 3 11,100/- 36 8,10,000/- 28 1,40,000/- 9,61,100/-