Workshop on Grid Forming Technologies for Power Grids

Course Coordinator: Prof. Sarasij Das 

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore

Registration Fee:
Student/Project Assistants: INR 5000+GST
Post-Docs: INR 5000+GST
Faculty of College/University: INR 10000+GST
Industry: INR 15000+GST

Course Schedule
25 to 27 June 2025
Registration Deadline: 31 May 2025
Course Mode: Offline, IISc Campus, Bengaluru

List of Topics Covered:
Need for Grid Forming Technologies in Power Grids; Basic Principles of Grid Forming Inverters; Droop Controlled Grid Forming Inverters; Virtual Impedance-based Grid Forming Inverters; Virtual Synchronous Generators; Unified Grid Following and Grid Forming Architecture; Stability of Grid Forming Inverters; Grid codes and regulations for Grid Forming Inverters; Hands-on Sessions on Modelling Grid Forming Inverters using MATLAB; Panel Sessions on Grid Forming Technologies for Power Grids; Transition Control of Dual-mode Inverters in Microgrids; Energy Storage with Grid Forming Inverters.

This course can be attended only by registration. Limited accommodations (non-AC) available at a hotel with 1300 INR Including GST/night rate near IISc on the first come first serve basis against payment by the attendees.

Who will benefit from the course?
This workshop is intended for students, researchers, faculty from academic and technical institutions, staffs from private and government industries and institutions who are interested in learning about upcoming Grid Forming Technologies. There will be a panel session on the Grid Forming Technologies. Hands-on sessions (total 6 hours) will be provided on the Matlab Simulations of Grid-Forming Inverters.

Featured Speakers:

Prof Sukumar Kamalasadan

Prof Sukumar Kamalasadan

Duke Energy Distinguished Professor of Electric Power Engineering

 University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC)

List of Speakers:
Prof Sukumar Kamalasadan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,USA
Prof Sairaj Dhople, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
Prof Animesh Sahoo, Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad
Prof Vinod John, IISc
Prof Kaushik Basu, IISc
Prof Sarasij Das, IISc

Prof Sairaj Dhople

Prof Sairaj Dhople

Oscar A. Schott Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA