CCE-IISc Certified Summer Course on

AI/ML for 5G and 6G Wireless Communication

Course Coordinator – Prof. Sudhan Majhi
Associate Professor, Department of ECE, IISc.


Course Dates

1st June to 30th June,2025

Time: 8 P.M. to 10 P.M.


1 Month

Last day to apply: 30 May 2025

Mode of Instruction: Online

100% live class along with question answers session by TA’s

Minimum Qualification:

BE/B Tech in ECE and relevant discipline
(4th year BE/BTech also Eligible)

Prerequisite: Wireless Communication


Course Fee per participant:

Students: INR 15000+18% GST

Others: INR 25000+18% GST

Course Content :

• Introduction to Python: Basic of Python programming
• Introduction to Machine Learning: Overview of supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised, Regression Model, SVM, KNN, CNN , DNN , R NN, L STM,   GANs, Transfer learning, RL.
• Introduction to Wireless Communication: Python code on Single carrier system, OFDM, MIMO, OTFS system
• Wireless Communications: Source channel coding, channel coding, Modulation classification, channel estimation, classification of wireless signals Autoencoder (based on 3GPP Standard), CSI compression and feedback (based on 3GPP Standard), Beamforming and beam Management (based on 3GPP Standard), autoencoder and decoder for PAPR reduction, pectrum sensing, successiveinference cancellation for NOMA.
• Signal Estimation and Detection: AL/ML based Parameter estimation, IF estimation, symbol rate estimation, STO and CFO estimation,MIMO/OFDM/OTFS de tectors, Denoisin g signals.