Kaushal Verma
Department of Mathematics, IISc
This is a course for those with a healthy curiosity and the cognoscenti. To educate for a purpose is not the intent. Rather, it is to provide a loosely structured mode of engagement to appreciate the ubiquity of mathematics as a human endeavour. The topics listed below have been selected to convey a sense of diversity and harmony. While some of them are taught to some degree, the emphasis here will be on moving beyond existing curricula by retrieving and highlighting lesser-known insights into their structure.The course will be accessible to students (undergraduate and above) and teachers in any science/math program.
Course Schedule
05-08-24 to 28-11-24
Mondays and Thursdays
from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Course Mode: Offline
Accommodation Not Available
Course Fee
Per participant
Minimum Qualification Required
The course will be accessible to students (undergraduates and above) and teachers in any science/math program.
Prerequisite: None
Chapter 1
Projective Geometry: history, basic principles, collineations and their properties.
Chapter 2
Conic Sections: history, elementary properties, polar correspondence, dualityprinciple, Poncelet’s theorem.
Chapter 3
Numerical Methods: Why and how? Interpolation, Quadrature, Ordinary DifferentialEquations, Eigenvalues, Fourier Series.
Chapter 4
Using a 3D printer for math visualization and the role of computation – possibilities and challenges.